Tactical Training Center

Class Schedule

Click on a class below to begin the enrollment process:

The Advanced Handgun Series consists of (2) three hour classes. The instruction is based upon the fundamentals acquired in the Intermediate Handgun Series. Students who earn their way through this series of training will have developed a sense of pride, competence and confidence with the handgun and will be well-equipped to use most modern handguns. The underlying concept in these classes is for the student to defend him/herself, including their family and to understand the requirements in order to do so. You will be coached forward at a comfortable pace and will be given valuable insights from our most experienced instructors with extensive professional law enforcement and military experience.

 Advanced Handgun #1: This class incorporates the skill sets learned in the Intermediate Handgun series and emphasizes the element of efficiency through incremental stress training and coaching. In addition, the elements of basic movement with a handgun will be introduced and practiced through a series of demonstrations, drills and refinement. Proper tactics such as safety techniques, muzzle control, trigger finger placement and handgun manipulation will be emphasized.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Intermediate Handgun and Holster Draw. A holster is required for this course.

What to bring: your handgun, 3 magazines, holster, a speed loader, 250 rounds of ammo, range safety gear, eye and ear protection, appropriate and comfortable attire. A brimmed ballcap is recommended but not required.

PRE-REQUISITE:  Intermediate Handgun and Holster Draw series

Advanced Handgun II: Developing Consistent Marksmanship And Moving With A Handgun - This class builds upon the skills obtained in Advanced Handgun I by placing the emphasis on movement and tactics. The proper identification and cover, concealment and movement within a residence will be introduced. Marksmanship and speed through efficient handgun manipulation will be taught through a series of demonstrations, drills and refinement.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Advanced Handgun I

What to bring: your handgun, holster, at least (3) magazines, 250 rounds of ammo, two speed loaders (for revolvers) or 1 for all other handguns, range gear, eye and ear protection and appropriate, comfortable attire. A brimmed ballcap is recommended but not required.

 Armed Women of America (AWA) Central NJ chapter meets at the Tactical Training Center the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30pm-8:30pm. The purpose of the group is to enable women to develop the mindset and skills to be their own self-protectors.. If you are registering for the first time please contact the administrator via email at awa.centralnj@gmail.com . Membership fee for the year is $75. The monthly meeting fee is $25 for a non-member (meaning not a member at the Tactical Training Center) and $10 for Tactical Training Center members. Light refreshments included.

The Basic Handgun Course is the foundation for all shooting sports. The student will learn about safety, funtionality, operations and proper transport of the firearm. The range portion will allow the student to fire a .22 caliber pistol amnd a 9mm pistol. Everything required is provided with the exception of eye & ear protection. We sell eye and ear protection (you can add it on as an option now or we sell it at TTC) if you do not already have it. Please wear a long sleeved crew neck shirt and proper footwear. Do NOT bring any firearms to class.

The Basic Handgun Course is the foundation for all shooting sports. This course is oriented to the ladys and is taught be ladies.  The student will learn about safety, funtionality, operations and proper transport of the firearm. The range portion will allow the student to fire a .22 caliber pistol amnd a 9mm pistol. Everything required is provided with the exception of eye & ear protection. We sell eye and ear protection (you can add it on as an option now or we sell it at TTC) if you do not already have it. Please wear a long sleeved crew neck shirt and proper footwear. Do NOT bring any firearms to class.



NEW QUALIFIERS:  In order to participate in this CCW Qualification session, the participant must have attended the Intermediate Handgun class series and Holster Draw class series and possess a valid Nj Firearms ID Card or out of state Carry Permit.  It is strongly recommended that they have completed the Advanced Handgun class series. 

CCW HOLDERS FROM OTHER RANGES:  If you already possess a CCW from another facility and a Re-Qualifying, we will honor that certification from another CCW Training facility, provided you attend either our Holster Draw II or III.

REPEAT QUALIFIERS:  If you have obtained your CCW Certification from us and have NOT been to the range since you last qualification yo will be required to take either Holster Draw II or III.

Please DO NOT sign up for this session if you do not possess the pre-requisites, skills and attendance in classes.

This is the training session that either qualifies or re-qualified students (CCW Permit holders) to submit an application to their local police department or state police barracks for their Concealed Carry Permit.  This is for both the new CCW applicant and or the current CCW Permit holder who needs to update their training qualifications.  This qualfication session includes the current and mandatory safe handling and use, legal requirements, use of force and range qualifcation session, mandated in N.J.S. 2C:58-4.  Students are expected to have skillsets that will enable them to safely load, reload, unload, draw and hit 40 out of 50 rounds at distances from the 3 to 15 yard line. The live-fire portion of the class is not a training session, safety violations will not be tolerated. Please review the course of fire, the CCARES memo and the CCARES life-fire training requirements found on the NJSP Firearms webpage.   

EQUIPEMENT:  Students should bring their own handgun, an outside the waistband holster to be worn at 3 o'clock (right-handed) or 9 o'clock (left-handed), wear a sturdy belt, at least 3 magazines, at least 50 rounds of ammunition, eye and ear protection (electronic ear muffs to hear range commands are strongly recommended) and a garment that cover the handgun and holster.  Upon successful completion students will be issued the proper form and certificates for attachment to their Permit To Carry application.

A member of PBA 147 (Somerville PD) created these challenge coins for the TTC, $2 from every coin will go directly to PBA 147.

The coin is a 2" coin, beautifully done. The front shows an eagle with a rifle in its talons, adorned with 13 stars and the words "2A Shall not be infringed" in script. The back has the TTC logo with the words "It's not just a privilege, it's a right". 

An absolutely beautiful coin for collectors or gun enthusiasts!



Church and House of Worship Security II

This is a live fire training course for the individual and team tasked with the security and protection of a church or house of worship.  The class includes live fire range drills to include advanced operation and marksmanship skills,  parishioner protection and threat identification. 

The student should bring a handgun, holster,  magazine pouch, flashlight and/or weapon mounted light, at least 300 rounds of ammunition, range appropriate clothing and footwear,  and range protection equipment.  


The High Intensity Training and Skills (HITS) classes are a series of training classes 1 hour in duration and are created for the advanced handgun, rifle and shotgun operators.

H.I.T.S. #1 Handgun Only: this class will focus on stress movement Handgun Drills. Participants will initiate movement from various body positions (lying, seated, etc) and carry weighted objects, and/or move rapidly to targets. The student will utilize appropriate cover/concealment, room clearing techniques and move safely and tactically. Students should have a reasonable standard of physical fitness, possess and be familiar with a tactical duty belt/holster, bring your handgun, eye and ear protection, (5) magazines and 100 rounds of ammunition. Please wear comfortable clothing and footwear for a physically active training session.


The High Intensity Training and Skills (HITS) classes 1 hour in duration and are a series of training classes created for the advanced handgun, rifle and shotgun operaors.

H.I.T.S. #2: Rifle & Handgun - this class will focus on stress movement AR/Other firearm drills. Participants will initiate movement from various body positions (lying, seated, etc) and carry weighted objects, or move rapidly to targets. The student will utilize appropriate cover/concealment, room clearing techniques and move safely and tactically. Students should have a reasonable standard of physical fitness, possess and be familiar with a tactical duty belt/holster, please bring a rifle & a handgun, (3) magazines for each firearm, 100 rounds of ammunition, eye and ear protection. Please wear comfortable clothing and appropriate footwear for a physically active training session.

This class is for the striker fired type of handgun, such as Glocks, Smith & Wesson M&Ps, H&K VP9, Walther PDPs, Sig Sauer P320 and some hammer fired guns, such as Sig P226, P228 & P229. If you are unsure of the type you have, please call 908.782.9000 and we will assist you.

Bring you handgun, an old towel, any cleaning supplies you may have. Our instructor will guide you through the disassembly, cleaning and re-assembly process. Need cleaning supplies???? You get 15% off of all cleaning products immediately before and after the class!

One firearm per class. Please, no live ammo!

HANDGUN SKILLS/DRILLS MOVEMENT:  This is an "open skill and drill" night oriented towards handgun movement skills.  There will be a variety of unique drills designed to enhance your movement skills.

PRE-REQUISITES:  Holster draw CCW Prep and Advanced Handgun series.

EQUIPEMENT: A handgun, holster, 3 magazines, 150 rounds of ammunition. Range safety gear, a crew-neck long sleeved shirt, athletic shoes or boots.

Prerequisite: Intermediate Handgun I & II.  Please note that Holster Draw CCW Prep is a two part series, there is Holster Draw I and Holster Draw II. You must complete both classes to obtain Holster-draw priviledges in the port during open range.

This course is for the person who wants to learn how to safely and proficiently draw, present to the target and holster a handgun.  This class prepares the handgun operator for more advanced classes and also prepares them for the CCW Qualfication Session

What to bring: handgun, 100 rounds of ammo, a holster, (NO shoulder, collapsible inner waistband or cross draw holsters), 3 magazines, a speed loader, eye and ear protection.  Magazine pouches are recommended.  Please bring a holster that is compatible and specifically made for your handgun.  Please wear a long sleeve crew neck shirt and appropriate footwear.  The holster is to be worn at the 3 O'Clock position for right-handed shooters and 9 O'clock for left handed shooters. No appendix carry is allowed.

You MUST take both classes and successfully pass in order to draw from the holster during open range time as well as progress onto additional, more advanced classes. Once certified you will be tested and recertified once per year to maintain your holster privileges.

If you are a NJ resident you must have a NJ Firearms ID card, OR a Permit to Carry.  If you reside reside out of state, you must bring in your own handgun (we can provide compliant magazines),  New Jersey students should own a handgun and bring it to class, rental handguns are not available for classes.   Please bring or purchase 100 rounds of ammo, eye and ear protection, wear a long sleeved crew neck shirt and closed toe athletic shoes or boots.  Please do not wear sandals or open-toed shoes.  Electronic hearing protection is highly recommended.

Prerequisite:  Holster Draw I

Holster Draw II is the second in the series for completion of the Holster Draw CCW Prep class.  In this class the proper execution of drawing, presenting to the target and holstering will be completed.  In this class the student will be tested and upon successful completion you will be holster draw approved for open range time hours and advancement into the advanced classes. You will be tested once per year to recertify your holster draw privileges.  This class also includes a training session on the CCW Qualification Course. 

What to bring: handgun, holster (NO shoulder holster, collapsible inner waistband, no appedix carry or cross draw holsters please), 150 rounds of ammo, 3 magazines, a speed loader, eye and ear protection. Please wear a long sleeve crew neck shirt and appropriate footwear.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you are a NJ resident you must have a NJ Firearms ID card, OR a Permit to Carry.  If you reside reside out of state, you must bring in your own handgun (we can provide compliant magazines),  New Jersey students should own a handgun and bring it to class, rental firearms are not available for class.  Holsters are necessary for class.  Please bring or purchase 100 rounds of ammo, eye and ear protection, wear a long sleeved crew neck shirt and closed toe athletic shoes or boots.  Please do not wear sandals or open-toed shoes.  Electronic hearing protection is highly recommended.

Prerequisite:  Holster Draw II

Holster Draw III is the third in the series for completion of the Holster Draw CCW Prep classes.  In this class the proper execution of drawing, presenting to the target and holstering while clothed, will be completed.  This is in preparation for the NJ CCW Qualification under the CCARES protocol.  This class also includes a training session on the CCW Qualification Course. 

What to bring: handgun, holster (NO shoulder holster, collapsible inner waistband, no appedix carry or cross draw holsters please), 150 rounds of ammo, 3 magazines, a magazine holder, a speed loader, eye and ear protection. Please wear a long sleeve crew neck shirt and appropriate footwear.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you are a NJ resident you must have a NJ Firearms ID card, OR a Permit to Carry.  If you reside reside out of state, you must bring in your own handgun (we can provide compliant magazines),  New Jersey students should own a handgun and bring it to class, rental firearms are not available for class.  Holsters are necessary for class.  Please bring or purchase at least 150 rounds of ammo, eye and ear protection, wear a long sleeved crew neck shirt and closed toe athletic shoes or boots.  Please do not wear sandals or open-toed shoes.  Electronic hearing protection is highly recommended.

Prerequisite: TTC Basic Handgun Course or the equivalent. 

Please note that Intermediate Handgun is a two part series. There is an Intermediate Handgun I and II.  We try to schedule these classes consecutively or consecutive days of the week.

Intermediate Handgun I is for the recent Basic Handgun graduate and is primarily hands-on.  The fundamental concept of this class is to establish safety skills, learn how the handgun functions and the prevention of operator induced malfunctions.  The class also includes instruction on basic marksmanship. This class is occurs primarily on the range.  

If a NJ residen the student must have a NJ Firearms ID card, a Permit to Carry.  If you reside reside out of state, you must bring in your own handgun (we can provide compliant magazines),  New Jersey students should own a handgun and bring it to class.  Holsters are not necessary for class.  Please bring or purchase 100 rounds of ammo, eye and ear protection, wear a long sleeved crew neck shirt and closed toe athletic shoes or boots.  Please do not wear sandals or open-toed shoes.  Electronic hearing protection is highly recommended.

PRE-REQUISITES:  Basic handgun or equivalent training.

Intermediate Handgun II:  The second part of the Intermediate Handgun series reinforces the skill sets previously introduced.  Emphasis is on the elimination of operator induced malfunctions by demonstration, coaching, dry-fire and live-fire drills through proper loading, unloading and reloading.  The class also emphasizes and incorporates the elements of proper marksmanship.

Please bring your own handgun, 100 rounds of ammo, eye and ear protection, wear a long sleeve crew neck shirt and a closed shoe.

Please note that Intermediate Handgun is a two part series. There is an Intermediate Handgun I and II.  We try to schedule these classes consecutively or consecutive days of the week.

Please note:  If you are a NJ resident the you must have a NJ Firearms ID card, OR a Permit to Carry.  If you reside reside out of state, you must bring in your own handgun (we can provide compliant magazines),  New Jersey students should own a handgun and bring it to class.  Holsters are not necessary for class.  Please bring or purchase 100 rounds of ammo, eye and ear protection, wear a long sleeved crew neck shirt and closed toe athletic shoes or boots.  Please do not wear sandals or open-toed shoes.  Electronic hearing protection is highly recommended.


This is third class in a series, and the focus is on the continuous development of handgun Operation skills and Marskmanship. An overview/review of basic skills with the emphasis on proper loading, unloading, stance, natural point of aim, upper body posture, arm support, presentation to target, utilization of sights, trigger press, follow through, recoil management.  This class reinfoces those basics and is ALSO a great refresher. 

Please bring range eye/ear protection, wear range safe clothing and footwear, meaning no low cut tops, no open toe shoes, no crocs. Please bring a handgun, 3 magazines, 150-200 rounds of ammunition.    

Low Light Encounters: This course concerns the safety and identification issues regarding low-light encounters. The primary focus is upon the tactical use of handheld and weapon mounted white light and target identification. Skill sets for utilizing a firearms under no and low-light conditions will be introduced and then reinforced during force on force training exercises, as will strong and support hand grip and modified hand shooting positions.

Officers should bring: 150 rounds of ammunition, duty handgun, duty belt/holster, comfortable clothing, eye and ear protection and at a minimum a handheld light (mounted handgun light even better).

This course is designed to enhance a law enforcement officers ability to respond and survive lethal threats. Officers will utilize both the patrol rifle and the duty handgun, as individual weapons and in conjuction with each other. Range training includes instruction and drills on the latest, safest, and most efficient carry positions, proper reloading, movement, weapon transitions and accurate tactical marksmanship. Upon conclusion of the range portion of the training, officers will apply the skills learned in the 360-degree environment of our Force on Force training facility with realistic scenario-based training. Lastly the officers learn and will practice the process of rendering safe weapons not typically utilized by law enforcement officers, but found at various scences.

Officers should bring: a duty handgun with (3) magazines, patrol rifle (sling equipped) with (2) magazines, duty gear and holster, ballistic vest, comfortable clothing or uniform, eye and ear protection, 100 rounds of handgun ammunition, 100 rounds of patrol rifle ammunition.

This is a private event for Airman of MAFB. There will be 15 attendees. The schedule will be as follows:

Arrival: 8am in the large training room - complete waivers and watch the safety video

8:30am-10am: classroom training

10:00am-11:00am: live-fire range

11:00am-12:00pm: Laser tag

You are registering for a private firearms lesson with Brian B. Please be sure you have selected the platform you would like (handgun, rifle or shotgun), one platform per lesson. If you are registering for a Try to Buy lesson this would require you to have had some previous firearms experience either at the Tactical Training Center or elsewhere. 

Please bring your eye and ear protection to the lesson, if you do not own them you may purchase them at the Tactical Training Center or from this site under "add-ons" for as low as $19.99 for both. Please wear appropriate range attire (long sleeve crew neck shirt and a closed shoe).

Your lesson includes: the firearms, a box of up to 50 rounds of ammunition, target, range time and the instructor

Please be sure to arrive 15 minutes early for your lesson if you have not watched the 8-minute safety video within the last 12 months

Your confirmation email will include links to the waivers. The Shooter Release of Liability Waiver must be filled out once a year (please disregard if you have completed one within the last 12 months). The Rental Waiver must be completed THE DAY OF your lesson (please disregard if you are bringing and using only your own firearms for the lesson). The Juvenile Waiver must be completed by a parent only if a person taking the lesson is under the age of 18.

You are registering for a private firearms lesson with Brian D. Please be sure you have selected the platform you would like (handgun, rifle or shotgun), one platform per lesson. If you are registering for a Try to Buy  lesson this requires previous firearms experience either from the Tactical Training Center or elsewhere.

Please bring your eye and ear protection to your lesson, if you do not own them you may purchase them at the Tactical Training Center or on this registration page under "add-ons" for as low as $19.99 for both. Please wear appropriate range attire (long sleeve crew neck shirt and a closed shoe).

Your lesson includes: the firearms, a box of up to 50 rounds of ammunition, target, range time and the instructor.

Please be sure to arrive 15 minutes early for your lesson if you have not watched the 8-minute safety video within the last 12 months.

Your confirmation email will include links to the waivers. The Shooters Release of Liability Waiver must be filled out once a year (please disregard if you have completed one within the last 12 months). The Rental Waiver must be filled out THE DAY OF your lesson (please disregard if you are bringing and using only your own firearms for the lesson). The Juvenile Waiver must be completed by a parent only if a person taking the lesson is under the age of 18.

You are registering for a private firearms lesson with Cindy L. Please be sure you have selected the platform you would like (handgun, rifle, or shotgun), one platform per lesson. If you are registering for a Try to Buy lesson this would require some firearms experience either from a previous training at the Tactical Training Center or elsewhere.

Please bring your eye and ear protection to the lesson, if you do not own them you may purchase them at the Tactical Training Center for as low as $19.99 for both. Please wear appropriate range attire (long sleeve crew neck shirt and a closed shoe).

Your lesson includes: the firearms, a box of up to 50 rounds of ammunition, target, range time and the instructor.

Please be sure to arrive 15 minutes early for your lesson if you have not watched the 8-minute safety video within the last 12 months.

Your confirmation email will include links to the waivers. The Shooter Release of Liability Waiver must be filled out once a year (please disregard if you have completed one within the last 12 months). The Rental Waiver must be completed THE DAY OF your lesson (please disregard if you are bringing and using only your own firearms for the lesson). The Juvenile Waiver must be completed by a parent only if a person taking the lesson is under the age of 18.

You are registering for a private firearms lesson with Joe V. Please be sure you have selected the platform you would like (handgun, rifle or shotgun), one platform per lesson. If you are registering for a Try To Buy lesson, this would require some prior firearms experience, either a previous private lesson at the Tactical Training Center or elsewhere.

Please bring your eye and ear protection to the lesson, if you do not yet own them, you may purchase them during this registration (found under "add-ons") or in the store when you arrive for your lesson. packages start as low as $19.99 +tax. Please wear appropriate range attire (long sleeve crew neck shirt, pants and a closed shoe).

Your lesson includes the firearms, a box of up to 50 rounds of ammunition, a target, range time and the instructor.

Please be sure to arrive 15 minutes early for your lesson if you have not watched the 8-minute safety video within the last 12 months.

Your confirmation email will include links to the waivers. The Shooter Release of Liability Waiver must be completed once per year (please disregard if you have filled it out within the last 12 months). The Rental Waiver must be filled out THE DAY OF your lesson (please disregard if you are bringing and using your own firearm for the lesson). The Juvenile Waiver must be completed by a parent only if the person taking the lesson is under the age of 18.

You are registering for a private lesson with Paul P. Please be sure you have selected the platform you would like (handgun, rifle or shotgun), one platform per lesson. If you are registering for a Try to Buy lesson, this would require some prior firearms experience, either a previous private lesson/training at the Tactical Training Center or elsewhere.

Please bring your eye and ear protection to the lesson. If you do not own them you may purchase them from the Tactical Training Center for as low as $19.99 for both. Please wear appropriate range attire (long sleeve crew neck shirt and a closed shoe).

Your lesson includes: the firearms, a box of up to 50 rounds of ammunition, target, range time and the instructor.

Please be sure to arrive 15 minutes early for your lesson if you have not watched th 8-minute safety video within the last 12 months.

Your confirmation email will include links to the waivers. The Shooter Release of Liability Waiver must be completed once a year (please disregard if you have completed one within the last 12 months). The Rental Waiver must be completed THE DAY OF your lesson, (please disregard if you are bringing and only using your own firearms for the lesson). The Juvenile Waiver must be completed by a parent only if a person taking the lesson is under the age of 18.

You are registering for a private firearms lesson with Peter T. Please be sure you have selected the platform you would like (handgun, rifle or shotgun), one platform per lesson. If you are registering for a Try To Buy lesson this would require some firearms experience, either a previous private lesson at the Tactical Training Center or elsewhere.

Please bring your eye and ear protection to the lesson, if you do not own them you may purchase them here for as low as $19.99 for the package. Please wear appropriate range attire (long sleeve crew neck shirt, pants and a closed shoe).

Your lesson includes the firearms, a box of up to 50 rounds of ammunition, target, range time and the instructor.

Please be sure to arrive 15 minutes early for your lesson if you have not watched the 8-minute safety video within the last 12 months.

Your confirmation email will include links to the waivers. The Shooter Release of Liability Waiver must be filled out once per year (please disregard if you have filled it out within the last 12 months). The Rental Waiver must be filled out THE DAY OF your lesson (please disregard if you are bringing and using your own firearm for the lesson). The Juvenile Waiver must be completed by a parent only if the person taking the lesson is under the age of 18.


You are registering for a private firearms lesson with Rich F. Please be sure you have selected the platform you would like (handgun, rifle or shotgun), one platform per lesson. If you are registering for a Try To Buy lesson, this requires previous firearms experience either at the Tactical Training Center or elsewhere.

Please bring your eye and ear protection to your lesson, if you do not own them you may purchase them at the Tactical Training Center or on this registration page under "add-ons" for as low as $19.99 for both. Please wear appropriate range attire (long sleeve crew neck shirt, long pants and a closed shoe like a sneaker or a boot).

Your lesson includes: the firearms, a box of up to 50 rounds of ammunition, target, range time and the instructor.

Please be sure to arrive 15 minutes early for your lesson if you have not watched the 8-minute safety video within the last 12 months.

Your confirmation email will include links to the waivers. The Shooters Release of Liability Waiver must be filled out once a year (please disregard if you have completed one within the last 12 months). The Rental Waiver must be filled out THE DAY OF your lesson (please disregard if you are bringing and using only your own firearms for the lesson). The Juvenile Waiver must be completed by a parent only if a person taking the lesson is under the age of 18.

You are registering for a private firearms lesson with Rick T. Please be sure you have selected the platform you would like (handgun, rifle or shotgun), one platform per lesson. If you are registering for a Try to Buy lesson this would require some firearms experience, either a previous private lesson at the Tactical Training Center or elsewhere.

Please bring your eye and ear protection to the lesson, if you do not own them you may purchase them at the Tactical Training Center for as low as $19.99 for both. Please wear appropriate range attire (long sleeve crew neck shirt and a closed shoe).

Your lesson includes: the firearms, a box of up to 50 rounds of ammunition, target, range time and the instructor.

Please be sure to arrive 15 minutes early for your lesson if you have not watched the 8-minute safety video within the last 12 months.

Your confirmation email will include links to the waivers. The Shooter Release of Liability Waiver must be filled out once a year (please disregard if you have completed one within the last 12 months).  The Rental Waiver must be filled out THE DAY OF your lesson (please disregard if you are bringing and using only your own firearms for the lesson). The Juvenile Waiver must be completed by a parent only if a person taking the lesson is under the age of 18.

You are registering for a private firearms lesson with Sean D. Please be sure you have selected the platform you would like (handgun, rifle or shotgun), one platform per lesson. If you are registering for a Try to Buy lesson this would require you to have had some previous firearms experience either at the Tactical Training Center or elsewhere.

Please bring your eye and ear protection to the lesson, if you do not already own them you may purchase them at the Tactical Training Center or from this site under "add-ons" for as low as $19.99 for both. Please wear appropriate range attire (long sleeve crew neck shirt and a closed shoe).

Your lesson includes: the firearms, a box of up to 50 rounds of ammunition, target, range time and the instructor.

Please be sure to arrive 15 minutes early for your lesson if you have not watched the 8-minute safety video within the last 12 months.

Your confirmation email will include links to the waivers. The Shooter Release of Liability Waiver must be filled out once every 12 months (please disregard if you have completed one within the last year). The Rental Waiver must be completed THE DAY OF your lesson (please disregard if you are bringing and only using your own firearms for the lesson). The Juvenile Waiver must be completed by a parent only if the person taking the lesson is under the age of 18.

You are registering for a private lesson with Steve J. Please be sure you have selected the platform you would like (handgun, rifle or shotgun), one platform per lesson. If you are registering for a Try to Buy lesson, this would require some firearms experience, either a previous private lesson/training at the Tactical Training Center or elsewhere.

Please bring your eye and ear protection to the lesson, if you do not own them you may purchase them from the Tactical Training Center for as low as $19.99 for both. Please wear appropriate range attire (long sleeve crew neck shirt and a closed shoe).

Your lesson includes: the firearms, a box of up to 50 rounds of ammunition, target, range time and the instructor.

Please be sure to arrive 15 minutes early for your lesson if you have not watched the 8-minute safety video within the last 12 months.

Your confirmation email will include links to the waivers. The Shooter Release of Liability Waiver must be completed once a year (please disregard if you have completed one within the last 12 months). The Rental Waiver must be completed THE DAY OF your lesson (please disregard if you are bringing and using only your own firearms for the lesson). The Juvenile Waiver must be completed by a parent only if a person taking the lesson is under the age of 18.

You are registering for a private firearms lesson with Tom D. Please be sure you have selected the platform you would like (handgun, rifle or shotgun), one platform per lesson. If you are registering for a Try to Buy lesson this would require some firearms experience, either a previous private lesson at the Tactical Training Center or elsewhere.

Please bring your eye and ear protection to the lesson, if you do not own them you may purchase them at the Tactical Training Center for as low as $19.99 for both. Please wear appropriate range attire (long sleeve crew neck shirt and a closed shoe).

Your lesson includes: the firearms, a box of up to 50 rounds of ammunition, target, range time and the instructor.

Please be sure to arrive 15 minutes early for your lesson if you have not watched the 8-minute safety vidoe within the last 12 months.

Your confirmation email will include links to the waivers. The Shooter Release of Liability Waiver must be completed once a year (please disregard if you have completed one within the last 12 months). The Rental Waiver must be filled out THE DAY OF your lesson (please disregard if you are bringing and using only your own firearms for the lesson). The Juvenile Waiver must be completed by a parent only if a person taking the lesson is under the age of 18.

NJSP - RPO / H.R. 218. Federal (H.R. 218) and NJ State law permits retired police officers to carry firearms. This course of fire and Use of Force review satisfies both the H.R. 218 and NJSP RPO requirements.  This course covers the day and night qualification courses (HQC -60 rds & HNQC - 40 rds). Please bring the firearms you wish to qualify with, 100 rounds of ammo per firearm (if you need ammo you can purchase at the TTC), a flashlight, a gun-mounted light (optional but available for purchase at the TTC). Eye and ear protection and proper range attire required.


Pre-requisite: Expert Handgun I or Tactical Handgun III

Tactical Handgun IV is an advanced class which expands on Tactical Handgun II.  It incorporates the Use of Force, target identification, tactical and critical decision making and handgun skills. In this class students will be instructed in the proper manner to properly identify a deadly force threat under typical everyday conditions and environments such as dim or low-light, close quarters and environments in populated areas, to include public settings. The class includes instruction in moving with a handgun to and from cover/concealment and then utilizing that cover/concelament to the best possible shooting position.  It prioritizes moving from a standing position to a lying postion and recovering from the ground-up, and the integraion of Defensive Tactics. 

What to bring: The students will need a handgun, appropriate holster, at least (3) magazines and firearms gear such as a tactical belt, magazine pouches, a flashlight or weapon mounted light, eye and ear protection and approximately 200 rounds of ammunition

Please wear appropriate range clothing that protects the upper body from ejected brass and an athletic shoe or boot.

Prerequisites: Students should have taken Advanced Handgun series, Tactical Handgun II prior to attending this class. MUST have had holster draw training and be proficient with holster drawing.  The class is somewhat physically demanding.


This is a class just for VIP members and it does not count towards your allotted classes.  The class is oriented towards intermediate and experienced shooters.  The class typically consists of shooting drills oriented to a specific skill set.  Please bring your own handgun, holster, at least 2 spare magazines, 200 rounds of ammo, eye/ear protection, range compatible clothing.  Electronic hearing protection is HIGHLY recommended.