Tactical Handgun IV for the TTC Citizen
Sat 3/22/2025 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Tactical Training Center
Class Price:
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Pre-requisite: Expert Handgun I or Tactical Handgun III
Tactical Handgun IV is an advanced class which expands on Tactical Handgun II. It incorporates the Use of Force, target identification, tactical and critical decision making and handgun skills. In this class students will be instructed in the proper manner to properly identify a deadly force threat under typical everyday conditions and environments such as dim or low-light, close quarters and environments in populated areas, to include public settings. The class includes instruction in moving with a handgun to and from cover/concealment and then utilizing that cover/concelament to the best possible shooting position. It prioritizes moving from a standing position to a lying postion and recovering from the ground-up, and the integraion of Defensive Tactics.
What to bring: The students will need a handgun, appropriate holster, at least (3) magazines and firearms gear such as a tactical belt, magazine pouches, a flashlight or weapon mounted light, eye and ear protection and approximately 200 rounds of ammunition
Please wear appropriate range clothing that protects the upper body from ejected brass and an athletic shoe or boot.
Prerequisites: Students should have taken Advanced Handgun series, Tactical Handgun II prior to attending this class. MUST have had holster draw training and be proficient with holster drawing. The class is somewhat physically demanding.
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